Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Student Health Center?
Where is the Health Center located?
What are the hours of the Health Center?
What services are offered at the Health Center?
Are there any mental health services?
What can't the Student Health Center provide?
Is everything confidential at the Health Center?
Do you have to pay anything to use the Health Center?
How do you go about using the Health Center for the first time?
Can you get a physical exam at the Health Center?
Is family planning available?
Is STI screening available?
Can I have lab work or blood tests done?
Can a female have her yearly GYN exam done at the Health Center?
Is there always a Registered Nurse available?
Is there a Health Educator at the Health Center?
Are immunizations available?
Can I have my vision and or hearing checked?
Is information and help to stop smoking available?
Is information regarding HIV/AIDS available?
Is a referral available from the Student Health Center?
What happens if I get injured on campus?