Faculty Service Opportunities

Open Call - Join a Committee!

Faculty are encouraged to self-nominate for the vacancies listed below. The Academic Senate appoints faculty to district and college committees which include Shared Governance committees, Search Committees, Tenure Review committees, Equivalency committees, PVR, etc.

CFE contract Article VII, Section 8.5.d.3 (3.d):  Tenure-track faculty after their first probationary year, are expected to show participation in professional growth activities as evidence of continued professional growth and leadership. Examples include active participation in collegial governance and campus life, including College or District committees, and community events. 

Click the links below for a list of vacancies, nomination forms, and the names of nominees interested in serving on these committees:

 Spring 2025 vacancies and Terms starting Fall 2025 [PDF]

Vacant positions are open until filled. Nominations received by noon the Fridays prior to the Senate meetings will be included on the agenda for appointment to the committee. 

Nomination Procedures:

Faculty interested in committee service are encouraged to self-nominate for one or more of the various vacancies.  

The Academic Senate will announce the call for nominations via email to all eligible faculty members and include the nomination deadlines and post vacancies to this page. Vacancies will remain open until filled. 

Nomination Process:
  1. Submit your nomination from the list of available vacancies posted above. To review a committee's responsibilities, click the committee from the list below. 
  2. The Senate office will make public the names of the nominees via the online spreadsheet by the close of the Academic Senate meeting agenda deadline (the Fridays prior to the meeting). Single nominees will be placed on the Senate consent agenda and multiple nominations will require an election.
  3. In elections for faculty representatives, it is the intent that decisions be made at the most local level. At the close of the nomination period, the Senate office will email the eligible faculty an Election Ballot to select their academic area representative. In the case that an election is required by the Academic Senate, the decision-making process might be through consensus, roll call vote, or closed ballots.
  4. The name of the elected faculty member will be included on the Academic Senate agenda for consent. Following the meeting, the Senate office will notify the faculty member, division dean, and committee chair. 
  5. Committee Chairs will contact new members to provide further direction and issue access to the committee MS Teams. 

(Every effort is made to ensure that the Committee Membership Spreadsheet (PDF) is accurate and complete. Please allow the Senate office time to update the spreadsheet and website following the Senate meetings. The Academic Senate meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 1-3pm. Email to report errors/omissions or to advertise a new faculty vacancy).

Click the committee to review their purpose and responsibilities:

Academic Senate and related committees

Academic Senate President
Academic Senate - Vice President
Academic Senate - Senators
Chair, Council for Curriculum & Instruction
Council for Curriculum & Instruction (CCI)
CCI Tech Lead
Chair, Institute for Professional Development
Distance Education Advisory Committee (DEAC)
Institute for Professional Development (IPD)

College Participatory Governance

President's Cabinet
Planning Council
Budget Council
College Technology Committee
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility Committee
Institutional Effectiveness Committee
Safety Committee
Sustainability and Facilities Committee

Other Committees and Work Groups

District Consultation Council– BP/AP Subcommittee
District Consultation Council– Budget Subcommittee
District Consultation Council– Technology Subcommittee
Professional Development Advisory Committee (PDAC)

Department Chairs & Coordinators

Department Chairs


Guided by Title 5, 10+1 and Board Policy, the following defines the types of groups that may be established by the college’s Academic Senate. Each must comply with the Brown Act.

Standing & Advisory Committees
Council, Board, or Cabinet
Task Force
Ad Hoc