Application Information

Nursing Program Applicant:

Thank you for your interest in the Golden West College Registered Nurse (RN) program. 


To be eligible to apply for admission to the nursing program, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be at least 18 years of age at time of admission.

  • Completion of the required prerequisite courses with a grade of C or better:

    • ENG G100  Freshman Composition or equivalent (English AP score of 3 or higher)

    • PSYC G118 Life Span Development Psychology

    • CMST G110 Public Speaking

  • Completion of the science prerequisite courses with a required minimum of 2.5 or higher GPA.  Science courses must be completed within the last 7 years.

    • BIO G220 Human Anatomy (with lab)

    • BIO G225 Human Physiology (with lab)

    • BIO G210 General Microbiology (with lab)

  •  Pass the ATI TEAS Exam (version 7) with a score of 62% or higher.

    • The TEAS Exam may be completed at a non-GWC Testing Site.

    • Print the ATI TEAS Exam Report and upload to the online application. 

  • Adequate physical, mental and emotional health to perform the functions and duty of a Registered Nurse. Physical and health requirements are detailed in the college catalog  

    • Health requirements must be cleared to be enrolled in the program's clinical courses.
  • A Coast District (GWC, OCC, Coastline) Student ID# and student email address.

  • Submit all official transcripts and applicable official AP Scores to the Admissions and Records Office no later than the last day of the application filing period.

    • Failure to submit the complete official transcripts will void and deemed your application as ineligible.  

Students admitted into the Nursing Program must complete clinical training hours at the assigned affiliated healthcare agencies. All clinical health and other requirements must be completed prior to the program start date:

  • Clear Background Check (criminial and/or civil) for the last 7 years.

  • Clear Urine Drug Screening

  • Titer and Immunizations per Healthcare Agency requirements and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines.

  • Social Security Number or Tax Identification Number (ITIN)

    • Required for program admission and to be eligible for the CA Board of Registered Nursing State Licensing Examination.

For course equivalency and transcript evaluations, contact GWC Counseling.

Nursing Application Process

Attach unofficial transcripts from all colleges attended to your application including GWC, OCC and Coastline transcripts, including coursework that may not be applicable toward the nursing program. 

Note: All foreign transcripts must be translated by an official agency prior to filing an application to the Nursing Program. This is mandatory to evaluate equivalency of both high school education and college courses, if not translated it will not be eligible for review.

  • Complete the Online Nursing Application.

  • Upload all supporting documentation as indicated. 

    • Attach unofficial transcripts from all colleges including GWC, OCC, and Coastline transcripts, including the course work that may not be applicable towards the nursing program.
  • Applications submitted after the filing deadline and incomplete applications are ineligible for processing and will be voided.

  • Send official transcripts separately to GWC Admissions and Records by the last day of the application filing date.

    • Failure to complete this process results in an incomplete application and is ineligible for processing. 

    • Students of Coast District (GWC, OCC, and Coastline Colleges) DO NOT need to submit official transcripts. Unofficial transcripts will be accepted.

Due to the high volume of applications, we will not be offering individual review of applications.  Please do not call the Nursing Office to discuss your application.


Application Filing Period

Fall 2025 and Spring 2026 Admission: March 1-15, 2025

** The program will accept applications one-time per year for the Fall 2025 and Spring 2026 cohorts.

Official Transcripts can be mailed to:

Golden West College
Attn: Admissions & Records
15744 Goldenwest Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Electronic Transcripts: Official transcripts may be submitted electronically to Admissions and Records from your sending institution via PDF. The transcripts must be sent directly from the sending institutions authorized agent to GWC will not accept forwarded transcripts from the student. 

Admission Selection

  • Qualified applications are reviewed for points accuracy in accordance to the supporting documents, transcripts and the Multi-Criteria Guidelines.

  • Qualified applications are ranked based on highest total points earned on the application.

  • Admission is awarded to applications with the highest points for the total number of cohort space available. 

    • A limited number of alternate applicants are also selected in the event of a cancellation. 

    • A student who accepts an admission and therafter chooses to rescind their cohort seat, the student is eligible to apply for one additonal application cycle. 

All admitted students must complete and submit the required program documents by the deadline date.

 - Incomplete documents or nonsubmission will void the admission.

-  An alternate is then awarded your cohort space. 

Qualified applicants who are not selected are encouraged to reapply for the next application period. 

The program does not maintain a waitlist. 
