The Jeanne Clery Act Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal law that promotes campus safety by ensuring that students, employees, parents, and the broader community are informed about important public safety and crime prevention matters. Being informed enables community members to make informed decisions and take an active role in their own safety and security.
The Clery Act requires higher educational institutions that receive federal funds to:
The annual Safety, Security, and Fire Report contains a wealth of safety and security information including safety and security policies, information about the role of Campus Security Authorities (CSAs), how the community is informed about potential threats, and three years of crime statistics. The report for Golden West College can be found here:
The Clery Act requires institutions to issue Timely Warnings to the campus community about specified crimes (the Clery-reportable crimes) that occur on Clery geography when these crimes are considered to pose a serious or ongoing threat to students and employees. In the event there is an incident that is neither a Clery-reportable crime or an incident that requires an Emergency Notification, the college may, on a case-by-case basis, use the ReGroup system to send a notification (e.g., power failure).
An Emergency Notification is sent upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or staff occurring on the campus, unless issuing a notification will compromise efforts to contain the emergency. An Emergency Notification is similar to a Timely Warning with some slight differences as noted in the table below.
Timely Warning | Emergency Notification | |
Recipients | The entire campus | The entire campus, or an identified subset that may be impacted by the emergency |
Triggering incident | Clery-reportable crimes believed to present a serious or continuing threat to the community | Any situation thought to pose an immediate threat to the health and safety of the campus community |
Timeline for sending a message | As soon as pertinent information is available | As soon as first responders confirm a significant emergency or dangerous situation |
Follow-up message required? | No | Yes |
Authorized persons include: the college President (or designee), Vice President of Administrative Services, Director of Public Safety, Public Information Officer, District Emergency Manager.
There is no specific time frame that determines how recent an incident must be to warrant a Timely Warning, or how quickly the resulting ReGroup message must be sent. The most common reason for a delayed notification is because the crime was not immediately reported to Golden West College Public Safety, or a Campus Security Authority (CSA).
The definitions for these crimes can be found in the Annual Safety, Security and Fire Report:
For more information regarding the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) crimes: domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, please visit the Golden West College Title IX webpage: Title IX
Defining the college Clery geography can be complex. Clery geography includes the following locations:
For more information about CLERY, please visit the Clery Act website:
The Clery Act also requires colleges to maintain a Daily Crime Log that includes all crimes brought to the attention of a Campus Security Authority (CSA) or the Public Safety Department. The crime must be updated within two business days of the crime being reported. Golden West College keeps a hard copy of the daily crime log from the past 60 days in our office which can be viewed during regular business hours. The Daily Crime Log is now online and can be viewed down below:
Clery Act Public Crime Log From 1/24/2025 to 3/24/2025 [PDF]
Crime log case numbers do not run sequentially. Public Safety assigns a case number for all reportable activities, both criminal and non-criminal. Only case numbers generated for criminal activity are listed in the crime log.
Crimes are listed in chronological order based upon the date they are reported to Public Safety. The most recent crimes are at the bottom of the list.</p
The crime log classification will not normally match the crime statistics, as the crime log is compiled using the California Penal Code and the crime statistics are required by law to be compiled using the definitions and standards proscribed by the Clery Act.
Hard copies of the Daily Crime Log are also available at Golden West College’s Public Safety Office at 15744 Goldenwest Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (located in the Southwest Corner of the campus next to Nursing & Health Services between Goldenwest Street and Edinger Avenue) during normal business hours.
Note: Incidents with a case number that start with “HBPD” involve crimes reported directly to the Huntington Beach Police Department, but not to Public Safety. Because an official report was not filed with Public Safety, the disposition will be “Closed/Referred to Other Agency/Department” or “Closed. Reported to GWC by the Huntington Beach Police Department.” These incidents are reported to the Public Safety for statistical purposes and are posted to the Crime Log as the information is received by Public Safety.
All Daily Crime Log entries will be made within two business days of the report of the information unless the disclosure is prohibited by law or would jeopardize the confidentiality of the victim.
Additionally, and consistent with Federal law, any of the required fields that must appear on the Daily Crime Log (i.e., the nature, date, time, location, and/or disposition) may be temporarily withheld only when there is clear and convincing evidence that the release of the information would:
Should such information be withheld, it will be promptly added to the log once the adverse effect is no longer present.
Crime Log Disposition Definitions
The following is an explanation of the terminology used to complete the Disposition section of Golden West College’s Public Safety Crime Log: