IPD allocates funds each year to be used for on/off-campus Department Symposiums, workshops, seminars or for department/discipline retreats.
Due to limited funding, IPD can only cover expenses for full-time and LHE 7.5+ part-time faculty. Consideration for funding also includes, but not limited to the number of faculty participating, total cost, and whether funding has been granted in the past.
Covered Expenses: Actual expenses not to exceed $50 per person with a sublimit of $5.00/supplies, $15.00/snack and $30.00/lunch.
Non-covered Expenses: facility rentals, speaker stipends, and substitutes or participation incentives, such as stipends or give away items.
Within (10) days following the symposium, submit evidence of completion to the IPD Office at GWCIPD@gwc.cccd.edu - attendance sheet and copies of all symposium materials. A copy of the symposium materials will be uploaded to the IPD SharePoint. (You may create your own attendance sheet).
It is recommended that you contact your Division Office for assistance with room reservations. You have the option to meet on/off-campus and may also select from available rooms at OCC, CCC, and the OCC Waterfront campus.