Institute for Professional Development (IPD)

Contact Us

Kate Green, Professor of Physical Sciences and IPD Chair

IPD Office
Telephone: (714) 895-8175

Our Purpose

The Institute for Professional Development (IPD) is a standing committee of the Academic Senate that helps faculty members to design, plan, and achieve their own professional growth objectives. IPD performs its functions on the basis of policies provided by the District Professional Pursuits Committee, the District Sabbatical Leave Committee, the Academic Senate, the college President, and the AFT/CCCD Agreement. The Academic Senate delegates to the IPD the following responsibilities:

  • Inform faculty of professional development opportunities, funding, and deadlines.
  • Recommend faculty requests for sabbatical leaves to the college President and Board of Trustees.
  • Review and recommend faculty requests for salary advancement, alternative methods projects, academic rank, and emeritus status.
  • Allocate conference/travel funds provided by the contract.
  • Coordinate campus and department workshops/retreats with Staff Development.


Reimbursement for approved attendance of conferences, workshops, professional meetings, seminars, and classes for full-time faculty and part-time faculty assigned to a minimum of 7.5 LHE. 

Salary advancement credit (SAC) for full-time faculty members per SAC programs defined in the CFE contract, sabbatical leave, promotion in academic rank, department symposium funds, alternative methods projects for full-time faculty members. 

District policy prohibits receiving IPD and any other District funds for the same professional development activity including Flex credit, IPD salary advancement credit or IPD Alternative Methods funding. 

CRITERIA: (per Article XXI. Professional Development Institute, Section 21.1. of the CFE contract). Attendance of a conference or other professional development activity must be related to a faculty member's discipline or teaching in the classroom. It must enhance the professional growth of faculty and their knowledge and skills, ultimately improving teaching, student learning, and college functioning. 
