Chromebook Loan Program


Student Equity and Achievement Program 
(714) 892-7711 ext. 55306

Basic Needs Services
The Stand - Recreation Building Room 100
(714) 892-7711 ext. 58160


Hours of Operation:
Mon - Fri: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 

Student Equity Chromebooks


Golden West College offers a Chromebook Loan Program to help you complete your academic goals. This program is open to all students who are primarily registered for the current semester at Golden West College. All Chromebook devices include webcams and the ability to use Respondus.


Please follow the steps below to request your Chromebook.

  1. Students will need to request a Chromebook using the link below.
  2. Once your application is submitted and approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to pick up your Chromebook.
  3. Chromebooks are available for pickup starting two weeks before your class begins and continuing through finals week.

    * Please note that these Chromebooks are available for students enrolled in credit classes. If you are taking non-credit classes, please contact Adult Education for assistance

For additional information please contact the Student Equity and Achievement Program at

