Puente Classes
Registration in the program is by counselor permission only, and students must submit an application to the program for consideration. Students must enroll in both courses each semester.
English G100S - Freshman Composition with Support, 6 units
Counseling G104 - Career and Life Planning: A Holistic Approach, 3 units
(Plus additional general education courses provided by the counselor)
English G110 - Critical thinking, Literature, 4 units
Counseling G205 - Navigating Transfer Process, 1 unit
(Plus additional general education courses provided by the counselor)
For more information contact
the Puente Program at
(714) 895-8214 or
via email at puente@gwc.cccd.edu,
Nancy Fong,
Puente Counselor at
nfong@gwc.cccd.edu or
visit the GWC Counseling Center.