The Golden West College Academic Senate represents all faculty in the shared governance process. Faculty participation is vital to the strength and growth of our college community. In order to serve our students in the fullest way possible, it is important for faculty across the campus to be involved in institutional planning and implementation of academic programs.

All faculty members are welcome to attend Academic Senate meetings. The agendas are posted to our website the Fridays prior to the meetings.

  • Meeting Days: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month
  • Meeting Times: 1 – 3 p.m.
  • Agendas and zoom information


Faculty, staff, and students: Submissions must be reasonable recommendations that have the best interest of the college in mind. Suggestions that are deemed inappropriate or of a personal nature should not be submitted to the Suggestions inbox system. The GWC Academic Senate President or designee will share the appropriate suggestions with the AS Executive Board and follow up as deemed necessary.

The suggestions inbox will not be used for Public Comments. All public comments must be verbally made at the time of the Senate meetings and only related to items that are on the agenda. No action or response is required by the Academic Senate or the AS Exec Board for public comments.
