GWC Plans


Internal Student Equity Plan (ISEP)

The Internal Student Equity Plan was developed by the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Committee. The DEIA committee met every 2nd and 4th Wednesday throughout the Fall 2022 and Spring 2024 semesters.  Committee members learned to use the Student Equity Data Dashboards and had the opportunity to request and discuss additional data. A committee retreat was also held on March 3, 2023. The DEIA Committee finalized the first ISEP Draft in early Fall 2023. The committee then gathered feedback in late Fall 2023 by hosting campus wide equity walks, discussing the plan with governance committees and campus groups, and through a form where feedback could be submitted online. The DEIA committee used the feedback collected to update and revise the Internal Student Equity Plan.

2023-2024 GWC Internal Student Equity Plan 




GWC Facts

Contact the research office if you would like a copy of the latest GWC Quick Facts and Scorecard posters.

Quick Facts
Fact Book
Student Success Scorecard

Survey Projects

This section includes surveys that were administered by GWC's Office of Research, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness or surveys that were administered in partnership with this office.

All College Evaluation Survey
Career Technical Education (CTE) Employment Outcome Survey
College Health Survey
Committee Effectiveness Self-Evaluation Survey
Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE)
Student Voting Rates for Golden West College
End of Semester Survey
Personal Assessment of College Environment (PACE)
Student Learning Outcomes Surveys
Chromebook Loan Program Survey Results
Fall 2018 Student Satisfaction Survey Report
Fall 2018 Start of Semester Survey
Fall 2018 Student Survey on Library Services
Fall 2018 Faculty Survey on Library Services
Fall 2022 Preferred Modality Survey Report

Research Projects

This section includes projects conducted by GWC's Office of Research, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness or conducted in partnership with this office.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP)
Open Educational Resources (OER)
GWC Fall 2018 Basic Needs Survey Presentation
AIR Presentation - GWC Student Voices
Basic Needs Report

Independent Research at GWC, Internal Research Review Board (IRRB)

From time to time, members of Golden West College have received requests wishing to conduct research on campus involving GWC employees or students. In an effort to ensure that study participants are fully aware of the nature of the research, their rights are protected, and that the research aligns with the mission, vision, values and strategic goals of Golden West College, this Internal Research Review Board Form and process is established to protect class time, employee and student rights, and college liability.

Obtaining Permissions
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